Scaling a marketing operation to support ambitious growth.

Atomic Jolt - Marketing Programs
Scale marketing operation to accommodate ambitious growth objectives. Work with an extended team to support campaign ideation and reach its multiple Ideal Customer Profiles (ICPs) and audiences effectively.
The brief

Reach target personae through fresh campaign ideation and third-party execution.

Design and execute campaigns that resonated with multiple Ideal Customer Profiles (ICPs) and audiences, all while aligning their product offering within the Learning Management System (LMS) ecosystem. Historically, it relied heavily on ad spend for performance, and the branding needed a gradual evolution to remain relevant and cohesive among the different touch points and interactions.


Create strategic campaigns and playbooks with fresh branding concepts.


playbooks to align campaigns with overarching goals, ensuring consistency.
day-to-day support, ensuring smooth execution and optimization of marketing efforts.
essential marketing operations and assets, facilitating sustained growth and brand visibility.
brand look & feel, supporting the evolution of overall brand identity over time.

Begin your journey
to growth.

Together, we'll develop a new approach to increasing your impact.
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